Integrations Known Issues

We hope that your time with Turnitin is without any problems, but occasionally something might happen that you were not expecting. Don't panic! We're here to help. Check out this list, and see if anything seems familiar. If your problem appears on the list, we're aware of the problem and currently looking into it.

Found something new? Get in touch with our support team by raising a request at our help center

When students submit more than once to an assignment, they are experiencing a loading error when they access the All Sources area of the Similarity report.

We have identified an issue where the Turnitin submission date and time displayed within Canvas will update when the assignment is graded, rather than retaining the original submission time and date. Turnitin and Instructure are exploring a fix for this issue.

We have identified an issue with the Anonymous Marking feature in Canvas Plagiarism Framework. Turnitin’s feedback release date is changing to match the due date of the assignment and as a result, student names are mistakenly revealed during grading. We are currently investigating a solution.

Due to LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 using different configuration URLs for UK based institutions, the LTI 1.1 links are not being auto-matched to LTI 1.3, so institutions based in the UK should retain their LTI 1.1 configuration alongside their LTI 1.3 configuration. The LTI 1.1 placement should be hidden to prevent it being used with new assignments. Please note that copied assignments will still be created as LTI 1.1 assignments. We are currently investigating a solution.

We’ve identified an issue where the “Save settings for future use” checkbox within the Optional Settings does not work as intended. The settings you choose at the time of assignment creation will be applied to your assignment, but future assignments will be created with the default assignment settings. We are currently investigating this issue.

We are currently investigating inconsistencies with downloading statistics when accessing Turnitin via LMS integrations. Our Product team are aware of these inconsistencies and will be looking into potential solutions to address in future iterations of this feature.

We are currently investigating an issue causing distortion to voice comment replay while using certain browsers to view submissions. This issue occurs on the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Workaround: Voice comments work as expected while using Firefox and Safari. We recommend using one of these two browsers to access Turnitin until the issue is resolved.

Leaving comments on a QuickMark is a powerful way of giving students tailored feedback on areas where you feel like they need to improve. However, you have to know to click into the QuickMark for this comment field to appear. We’re actively investigating a better way of making it clear that this functionality is available to you.

Workaround: Interacting with the QuickMark will make the comment box visually identifiable. This can be as simple as hovering over the expanded QuickMark.

Some accounts may experience additional highlighting in a downloaded PDF compared to their current view of the document in the Turnitin viewer. Our team is investigating the issue.

Workaround: Instructors can use the print option to save the document as a PDF or download a text-only version of the report.

When a new CPF integration configured, the final step is to initialize it with Turnitin by logging in with your administrator account. However, if the email account you use to log contains uppercase letters, an error message will be shown.

Workaround: Use a lower-case version of your email address with Turnitin, so you can successfully log in. You can change the email associated with your Turnitin account at anytime.

Due to how Microsoft duplicates text boxes, the old copy can still be detected even when replaced with new writing. This can cause our system to pick up on this and incorrectly flags it as an attempt to hide text within the document. As always with Academic Integrity issues, we'd recommend investigating all Flags equally before making a judgement on if an intentional attempt to subvert the similarity detection of a report has occurred.

Workaround: Creating a new text box instead of duplicating an old one will prevent this issue.

Turnitin supports a variety of quotation styles, however we've disocvered that smart quotes can cause some issues when used in certain languages that makes them behave in non-standard ways.

Workaround: When excluding quotes is important, we'd recommend using a different type of quotation until this issue has been resolved.

When submitting to Turnitin, submissions must be 20 words or more to ensure we can successfully generate a Similarity Report. For some Chinese language submissions, this word count is erroneously being flagged as being under 20 words when more have been used. This problem exists for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified submissions.

Workaround: Choosing to 'Accept any File Type' when creating an assignment will ensure that we can accept the file, a Similarity Report will be generated, and the correct word count will be shown.

Turnitin recently updated the servers that send our system emails. System email include welcome emails and digital receipts. Some email clients may experience a short period where they learn to 'trust' that the emails are sent from a legitimate IP address.

Workaround: Email administrators for your institution can manually add our IP addresses to your trusted list. For Microsoft email Exchanges, you can add the IP addresses to the IP Allow List.

Turnitin's email IP addresses

Microsoft files generated using Windows, including .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, and .pps files, can occasionally fail to process when uploaded to Turnitin. Files created using other operating systems are unaffected.

Workaround: Convert your file to a PDF before attempting to upload it to Turnitin. This ensures it is in a format we can process gracefully and without any problems.

It has been reported that the Similarity Report is not updating witin Speedgrader after exclusions are made or after the due date passes for collusion checks. The correct score will be presented within the LTI assignment inbox and when Feedback Studio is opened, even if it is accessed within Speedgrader. Turnitin and Canvas are investigating this issue.

If a course containing Turnitin assignments is copied and a student attempts to submit to the copied course before it is in any way edited by the instructor, the name of the copied course will automatically change to 'LTI Class' in Turnitin. The name is only shown differently when viewed in Turnitin; it remains the same in Canvas.

Some instructors have reported receiving error messages when they attempt to enter their anonymous assignment after the feedback release date has passed. Once the feedback release date passes, the assignment loses its anonymity within Turnitin, however Canvas works differently in maintaining the anonymity. The difference in workflows is causing occasional error messages to appear. We are investigating a resolution to this problem.

Workaround: While these errors only occur occasionally, if you do come across this problem, we would suggest editing the Canvas assignment settings and deselecting the anonymous marking option. This will allow you to access the assignment while we work on a resolution.

If an institution has registered multiple Canvas Plagiarism Framework configurations and deletes at least one of the configurations, it is possible that existing assignment links to Turnitin could break. While we investigate this issue with Canvas, we would ask institutions to not delete their registered integration. If your institution has deleted a registration and are experiencing issues with existing assignments, please contact the Turnitin support team for assistance.

Users of the Firefox browser may find that the arrows depicting a dropdown menu will not appear in the assignment settings. The setting can still be clicked to reveal the multiple options however it is not very intuitive that these options exist without the arrows. While this issue is present when using Firefox, other browsers appear to be unaffected.

If a user changes the email address associated with their integrated account, this change will not be passed to Turnitin. Also, If the user is unlinked and then goes on to change their email address, a new Turnitin user account will be created making two separate users.

Workaround: Users can email our Support team at and they will be able to assist with updating your account to the relevant email address.

When students submit more than once to an assignment, they are experiencing a loading error when they access the All Sources area of the Similarity report.

We are aware of an intermittent XML error affecting the Moodle Direct V2 and Plagiarism Plugin integrations, affecting the ability for instructors to create, edit and view assignments, encountering the following errors:

turnitintooltwo/There was an error when trying to get the user details from Turnitin<br /><br />Message: looks like we got no XML document

turnitintooltwo/Could not update Turnitin Class data<br /><br />Message: looks like we got no XML document

As well as student users, who may receive the following error, when trying to submit:

“This file has not been submitted to Turnitin because there is a problem editing the module settings in Turnitin which is preventing submissions, please consult your API logs for further information”

Our engineers are currently investigating this as a high priority, and we regret any inconvenience this may cause.

We’ve identified a bug where instructors are unable to launch PeerMark reviews when multiple PeerMark assignments are created from the same base assignment. We’re looking to address the issue in an updated version of the product, however, we’re unable to provide an ETA for the release.

Currently, when revealing an individual student's name in a Moodle Direct anonymous marking assignment, the instructor does not have to enter a reason for unmasking the student's name. The reveal will still appear within the audit trail, just without a reason.

The assignment summary comments are currently appearing in two locations on the assignment inbox page when using Moodle versions 4.0+. Assignment functionality is not impacted by this issue.

We are currently investigating inconsistencies with downloading statistics when accessing Turnitin via LMS integrations. Our Product team are aware of these inconsistencies and will be looking into potential solutions to address in future iterations of this feature.

When sorting submissions by first name in the Assignment Inbox, the result is not alphabetical as expected. Sorting by last name is working as expected.

When using Moodle Forums, it is not possible to access the report when in the 'Grade users' view for the following forum types:

  • Q and A forum
  • Standard forum for general use
  • Each person posts one discussion

Workaround: Reports can be accessed via the Forum inbox (main view).

Students who have never accepted the EULA are not being presented with the EULA when submitting to a quiz activity with Moodle PP enabled. We are currently investigating this issue.

Workaround: Instructors can have students submit to an assignment or forum first, which will trigger the EULA.

We are currently investigating an issue that occurs when a user exports the Similarity Report from within Moodle Direct v2. Some of the exported fields only reflect data from the first submission, instead of the most recent submission.

Workaround: Instructors can either download the individual receipt of the latest submission or download the Learning Analytics Report from (or if you are in the UK).

We are currently investigating an issue causing distortion to voice comment replay while using certain browsers to view submissions. This issue occurs on the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Workaround: Voice comments work as expected while using Firefox and Safari. We recommend using one of these two browsers to access Turnitin until the issue is resolved.

Leaving comments on a QuickMark is a powerful way of giving students tailored feedback on areas where you feel like they need to improve. However, you have to know to click into the QuickMark for this comment field to appear. We’re actively investigating a better way of making it clear that this functionality is available to you.

Workaround: Interacting with the QuickMark will make the comment box visually identifiable. This can be as simple as hovering over the expanded QuickMark.

Some accounts may experience additional highlighting in a downloaded PDF compared to their current view of the document in the Turnitin viewer. Our team is investigating the issue.

Workaround: Instructors can use the print option to save the document as a PDF or download a text-only version of the report.

Due to how Microsoft duplicates text boxes, the old copy can still be detected even when replaced with new writing. This can cause our system to pick up on this and incorrectly flags it as an attempt to hide text within the document. As always with Academic Integrity issues, we'd recommend investigating all Flags equally before making a judgement on if an intentional attempt to subvert the similarity detection of a report has occurred.

Workaround: Creating a new text box instead of duplicating an old one will prevent this issue.

Turnitin supports a variety of quotation styles, however we've disocvered that smart quotes can cause some issues when used in certain languages that makes them behave in non-standard ways.

Workaround: When excluding quotes is important, we'd recommend using a different type of quotation until this issue has been resolved.

Attempting to upload a PDF to the Moodle Direct V2 may fail when using Moodle 3.9. We're actively developing a solution to this issue.

Workaround: Upload using another supported file type until this issue has bene resolved.

When submitting to Turnitin, submissions must be 20 words or more to ensure we can successfully generate a Similarity Report. For some Chinese language submissions, this word count is erroneously being flagged as being under 20 words when more have been used. This problem exists for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified submissions.

Workaround: Choosing to 'Accept any File Type' when creating an assignment will ensure that we can accept the file, a Similarity Report will be generated, and the correct word count will be shown.

Turnitin recently updated the servers that send our system emails. System email include welcome emails and digital receipts. Some email clients may experience a short period where they learn to 'trust' that the emails are sent from a legitimate IP address.

Workaround: Email administrators for your institution can manually add our IP addresses to your trusted list. For Microsoft email Exchanges, you can add the IP addresses to the IP Allow List.

Turnitin's email IP addresses

Microsoft files generated using Windows, including .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, and .pps files, can occasionally fail to process when uploaded to Turnitin. Files created using other operating systems are unaffected.

Workaround: Convert your file to a PDF before attempting to upload it to Turnitin. This ensures it is in a format we can process gracefully and without any problems.

In Moodle 3.7, a new feature, in-line comments, was added. When using this feature, the Turnitin EULA is not shown to users before generating a Similarity Score for the comment. Institutions can continue to use Moodle Forums as normal. However, they should not use in-line comments unless they are confident their student's have already accepted the Turnitin EULA.

If the post date for an assignment has passed and an instructor edits it to a date in the future using the pencil icon, students that have not submitted yet will have their names become revealed after submitting.

Workaround: Students that have not submitted yet will not revert to being listed as anonymous if the instructor edits the post date via the assignment settings as opposed to clicking the pencil icon.

If an assignment title contains a comma, it will break any exports to Excel. The exported file will download however the instructor will be unable to open it.

Workaround: Once the file has downloaded, renaming the file to include the “.xls” file extension will make the file readable.

If a submission fails, the instructor is shown a “Resubmit to Turnitin” link which should change to “Queued” when clicked. Some users have reported that the text does not change. This is purely a cosmetic issue so clicking the link more than once will not lead to multiple submissions.

When using Group submissions in Moodle PP, only the student uploading the assignment will be able to view the full Similarity Report. All members of the group, however, will have a grade and similarity score awarded to them and this will be visible within the Moodle assignment inbox.

Timestamps are not updating in Blackboard Learn when a submission is made and subsequently deleted, and then a new submission is made. The Turnitin inbox shows the correct timestamp for the new submission, but the timestamp is not updated in the Blackboard Learn Gradebook.

We are currently investigating inconsistencies with downloading statistics when accessing Turnitin via LMS integrations. Our Product team are aware of these inconsistencies and will be looking into potential solutions to address in future iterations of this feature.

When updating the assignment grading schema via the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook from points to percentage, the Turnitin assignment max points are updated to 100 and an incorrect score calculation is displayed in the Gradebook. Existing grades will continue to be based on points in Turnitin and the percentage scale will not be reflected unless the grade is refreshed in the Turnitin report view, by either re-applying the grade in the rubric or manually updating the grade.

Users are encountering an error when copying Blackboard courses with Turnitin assignments that have an assignment start date older than 1 year ago. We are working to resolve this issue.

Workaround: Instructors can create a brand new Turnitin assignment and copy over the assignment information manually.

We are currently investigating an issue which intermittently impacts some users. When instructors update an assignment’s grade in Feedback Studio, the grade is sometimes not getting passed back to the Blackboard Grade Center/Gradebook.

We are currently investigating an issue causing distortion to voice comment replay while using certain browsers to view submissions. This issue occurs on the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Workaround: Voice comments work as expected while using Firefox and Safari. We recommend using one of these two browsers to access Turnitin until the issue is resolved.

When viewing a submission in TFS, QuickMarks, comments and other feedback may not appear immediately.

Workaround: Double-clicking on the paper or selecting the feedback tool from the sidebar will display the feedback as expected.

When viewing the grade history for a Blackboard course, updates to the grade field show as being made by the student and not by the instructor.

The LTI specification does not currently have a method of identifying the user who made the submission or updated the grade.

Leaving comments on a QuickMark is a powerful way of giving students tailored feedback on areas where you feel like they need to improve. However, you have to know to click into the QuickMark for this comment field to appear. We’re actively investigating a better way of making it clear that this functionality is available to you.

Workaround: Interacting with the QuickMark will make the comment box visually identifiable. This can be as simple as hovering over the expanded QuickMark.

Some accounts may experience additional highlighting in a downloaded PDF compared to their current view of the document in the Turnitin viewer. Our team is investigating the issue.

Workaround: Instructors can use the print option to save the document as a PDF or download a text-only version of the report.

When using the 'Grade without submission' feature on assignments that have been anonymized, the LTI Inbox will freeze after you confirm the grading template creation. We are actively investigating solutions to this issue.

Workaround: Only use this feature with classes that are not anonymous or has had its anonymity removed after the Feedback Release date has passed.

Despite Turnitin supporting .ppt files for Similarity Report generation, an error message will be shown when trying to upload a .ppt file, rejecting the upload.

Workaround: Activate the ‘Accept any file type’ feature, or ask the uploaded to convert the .ppt file to a PDF.

Due to how Microsoft duplicates text boxes, the old copy can still be detected even when replaced with new writing. This can cause our system to pick up on this and incorrectly flags it as an attempt to hide text within the document. As always with Academic Integrity issues, we'd recommend investigating all Flags equally before making a judgement on if an intentional attempt to subvert the similarity detection of a report has occurred.

Workaround: Creating a new text box instead of duplicating an old one will prevent this issue.

Turnitin supports a variety of quotation styles, however we've disocvered that smart quotes can cause some issues when used in certain languages that makes them behave in non-standard ways.

Workaround: When excluding quotes is important, we'd recommend using a different type of quotation until this issue has been resolved.

When opening a PeerMark assignment via the My Paper icon, users may be shown an error saying that the page they requested does not exist. We are actively investigating this issue.

Workaround: Access the assignment using one of the other access routes.

The timezone for a PeerMark assignment will display as America/New York. This in unable to be changed.

When the 'Reveal grades to students only on post date' setting is turned on assignments aren't flagged as Needs Grading within the Blackboard Grade Center.

In Chrome or Safarai, we have identified a bug which will cause Assignment Exports to fail if there is a comma in the assignment title.

Workaround: We've tested exports as working in Firefox. If Chrome or Safarai must be used, try removing the comma from the title and trying again.

When submitting to Turnitin, submissions must be 20 words or more to ensure we can successfully generate a Similarity Report. For some Chinese language submissions, this word count is erroneously being flagged as being under 20 words when more have been used. This problem exists for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified submissions.

Workaround: Choosing to 'Accept any File Type' when creating an assignment will ensure that we can accept the file, a Similarity Report will be generated, and the correct word count will be shown.

Turnitin recently updated the servers that send our system emails. System email include welcome emails and digital receipts. Some email clients may experience a short period where they learn to 'trust' that the emails are sent from a legitimate IP address.

Workaround: Email administrators for your institution can manually add our IP addresses to your trusted list. For Microsoft email Exchanges, you can add the IP addresses to the IP Allow List.

Turnitin's email IP addresses

An error message can occasionally be shown during the zip file upload process. Don’t worry! This is a bug and, after navigating to the inbox, all files will have uploaded successfully.

Workaround: Check the inbox for your uploaded file. If they’re all there, no further action is needed. If the error still persists and the files have not been uploaded, please contact our support team.

When a Turnitin Administrator changes their account to ‘Submit all papers to the standard repository’ from the expanded repository option, the expanded options are still shown in the user interface. Selecting one of these ghost choices will show a ‘Failed to create new Turnitin assignment error’.

Workaround: Instructors should choose the option to submit to the standard repository.

Microsoft files generated using Windows, including .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, and .pps files, can occasionally fail to process when uploaded to Turnitin. Files created using other operating systems are unaffected.

Workaround: Convert your file to a PDF before attempting to upload it to Turnitin. This ensures it is in a format we can process gracefully and without any problems.

It is possible for the Gradebook to fail to sync with Turnitin. For instructors, this results in being notified a student hasn't submitted when they have. For students, they may see in Blackboard that they have not submitted yet. We are actively investigating this with our partners at Blackboard.

Workaround: Successfully uploaded assignments can be accessed via the LTI Inbox. However, the notification may still remain in the Gradebook. The data within the inbox should be used as a point of reference when determining if a student has submitted late to an assignment.

The submission date displayed within the Grade Centre may be incorrect for anonymous assignments. Some users have reported that the feedback release date is displayed as opposed to the time that the student attempted their submission, which may mark the student's submission as 'late.'

Workaround: Although the date is currently recording incorrectly within the Grade Centre, it is correct within the submission details held within Feedback Studio.

If an instructor were to make a late submission on behalf of a student in the base assignment, the PeerMark assignment will distribute this paper for peer review even if the PeerMark assignment has disallowed late student submissions in the settings. We are currently investigating this issue.

When a student hovers over the (i) icon to view information on their PeerMark assignment, they will be shown all relevant information as well as information from their base assignment. This could include details on resubmissions, late submissions, and similarity score settings which would not apply to their peer reviews.

Some users have reported that the current character limit for assignment titles can be a little restrictive. We are looking to extend the length of these fields.

We have discovered that when accessing the ‘Needs Grading’ section of the Grade Center, the ‘date submitted’ column does not update with resubmissions and remains on the date of the initial submission. We are working to resolve this issue.

We have found that students who have already submitted to their assignment will still appear in a list for instructors to submit on behalf of. If the instructor attempts to resubmit for one of these students, they will receive error messages. We are working on a fix that will ensure that students who have already submitted will not be shown within the list for instructors to choose from.

We are aware of a scope of issues with the Blackboard LTI 1.1 integration. We have worked to resolve these issues within the new LTI 1.3 integration with Blackboard. To benefit from these resolutions, we recommend migrating from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3.

Part of the path Turnitin takes to talk to our servers is intermittently temporarily inaccessible via integrations from within the People's Republic of China.

Some users may not be able to select and upload files from their Google Drive account to submit to Turnitin via LTI integrations. We are investigating this issue.

Workaround: Users can download files from their Google Drive to their computer, then upload to Turnitin as a file submission.

An issue has been reported where instructor's Turnitin Optional settings are not being saved when the "Save these settings for future use" option is selected. We are investing this issue.

At the moment with the LTI Assignment Copy tool we are not copying across the anonymous marking setting if the due date for the previous assignment has already passed. We are currently investigating this issue.

We’ve identified an issue where the “Save settings for future use” checkbox within the Optional Settings does not work as intended. The settings you choose at the time of assignment creation will be applied to your assignment, but future assignments will be created with the default assignment settings. We are currently investigating this issue.

When users submit a permanent deletion request with the “Other” option as a reason, the user must input additional text to elaborate. In LTI integrations, this free text is not viewable by the admin that receives the deletion request; instead they just see the word “Other”. We are currently investigating this issue.

We are currently investigating an issue that occurs across LTI PeerMark assignments. When an instructor selects a PeerMark review from the “Received Reviews” page, the first listed review will always open, instead of the review that has been selected.

We are currently investigating an issue causing distortion to voice comment replay while using certain browsers to view submissions. This issue occurs on the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Workaround: Voice comments work as expected while using Firefox and Safari. We recommend using one of these two browsers to access Turnitin until the issue is resolved.

We have identified an issue where new assignment settings do not overwrite settings previously saved as default. If an assignment has been created without saving the settings for future use, any future edits will be correctly applied.

The settings fields impacted by this issue are: Compare against, Attach a rubric, and Exclude small sources.

Workaround: To apply the settings correctly, select the Save these settings for future use on the optional assignment settings page.

When a student resubmits an assignment, the assignment submission date and time in the LMS remains the same as the original submission. This date, however, reflects accurately in the LTI Assignment Inbox. We are actively investigating this issue.

Leaving comments on a QuickMark is a powerful way of giving students tailored feedback on areas where you feel like they need to improve. However, you have to know to click into the QuickMark for this comment field to appear. We’re actively investigating a better way of making it clear that this functionality is available to you.

Workaround: Interacting with the QuickMark will make the comment box visually identifiable. This can be as simple as hovering over the expanded QuickMark.

Some accounts may experience additional highlighting in a downloaded PDF compared to their current view of the document in the Turnitin viewer. Our team is investigating the issue.

Workaround: Instructors can use the print option to save the document as a PDF or download a text-only version of the report.

When a grade is passed from Turnitin to an LMS, the grade can sometimes be incorrectly rounded, causing it to display as either 0.00001 more or less of the intended grade.

Due to how Microsoft duplicates text boxes, the old copy can still be detected even when replaced with new writing. This can cause our system to pick up on this and incorrectly flags it as an attempt to hide text within the document. As always with Academic Integrity issues, we'd recommend investigating all Flags equally before making a judgement on if an intentional attempt to subvert the similarity detection of a report has occurred.

Workaround: Creating a new text box instead of duplicating an old one will prevent this issue.

Turnitin supports a variety of quotation styles, however we've disocvered that smart quotes can cause some issues when used in certain languages that makes them behave in non-standard ways.

Workaround: When excluding quotes is important, we'd recommend using a different type of quotation until this issue has been resolved.

Resubmissions of peer reviews should be possible in a PeerMark assignment up to the assignment's due date. However, the option to use this functionality is no longer showing. We are actively investigating this issue.

When submitting to Turnitin, submissions must be 20 words or more to ensure we can successfully generate a Similarity Report. For some Chinese language submissions, this word count is erroneously being flagged as being under 20 words when more have been used. This problem exists for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified submissions.

Workaround: Choosing to 'Accept any File Type' when creating an assignment will ensure that we can accept the file, a Similarity Report will be generated, and the correct word count will be shown.

Turnitin recently updated the servers that send our system emails. System email include welcome emails and digital receipts. Some email clients may experience a short period where they learn to 'trust' that the emails are sent from a legitimate IP address.

Workaround: Email administrators for your institution can manually add our IP addresses to your trusted list. For Microsoft email Exchanges, you can add the IP addresses to the IP Allow List.

Turnitin's email IP addresses

Microsoft files generated using Windows, including .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, and .pps files, can occasionally fail to process when uploaded to Turnitin. Files created using other operating systems are unaffected.

Workaround: Convert your file to a PDF before attempting to upload it to Turnitin. This ensures it is in a format we can process gracefully and without any problems.

Users of the Firefox browser may find that the arrows depicting a dropdown menu will not appear in the assignment settings. The setting can still be clicked to reveal the multiple options however it is not very intuitive that these options exist without the arrows. While this issue is present when using Firefox, other browsers appear to be unaffected.

If a user changes the email address associated with their integrated account, this change will not be passed to Turnitin. Also, If the user is unlinked and then goes on to change their email address, a new Turnitin user account will be created making two separate users.

Workaround: Users can email our Support team at and they will be able to assist with updating your account to the relevant email address.

When students submit more than once to an assignment, they are experiencing a loading error when they access the All Sources area of the Similarity report.

We are currently investigating inconsistencies with downloading statistics when accessing Turnitin via LMS integrations. Our Product team are aware of these inconsistencies and will be looking into potential solutions to address in future iterations of this feature.

We are currently investigating an issue causing distortion to voice comment replay while using certain browsers to view submissions. This issue occurs on the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Workaround: Voice comments work as expected while using Firefox and Safari. We recommend using one of these two browsers to access Turnitin until the issue is resolved.

Leaving comments on a QuickMark is a powerful way of giving students tailored feedback on areas where you feel like they need to improve. However, you have to know to click into the QuickMark for this comment field to appear. We’re actively investigating a better way of making it clear that this functionality is available to you.

Workaround: Interacting with the QuickMark will make the comment box visually identifiable. This can be as simple as hovering over the expanded QuickMark.

Some accounts may experience additional highlighting in a downloaded PDF compared to their current view of the document in the Turnitin viewer. Our team is investigating the issue.

Workaround: Instructors can use the print option to save the document as a PDF or download a text-only version of the report.

Due to how Microsoft duplicates text boxes, the old copy can still be detected even when replaced with new writing. This can cause our system to pick up on this and incorrectly flags it as an attempt to hide text within the document. As always with Academic Integrity issues, we'd recommend investigating all Flags equally before making a judgement on if an intentional attempt to subvert the similarity detection of a report has occurred.

Workaround: Creating a new text box instead of duplicating an old one will prevent this issue.

When creating a new D2L V2 assingnment, an error occurs when the user selects the button to attach a rubric to the assignment. Upon selecting to attach a rubric a warning message will be shown warning about detaching an existing rubric from the assignment. As the assignment has just been created, there is no existing rubric that has been attached. This error message is misleading and incorrect.

To find out how to configure your Paper View Requests and learn some best practices, check out D2L's guide. The information provided will ensure you avoid this issue in future.

When submitting to Turnitin, submissions must be 20 words or more to ensure we can successfully generate a Similarity Report. For some Chinese language submissions, this word count is erroneously being flagged as being under 20 words when more have been used. This problem exists for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified submissions.

Workaround: Choosing to 'Accept any File Type' when creating an assignment will ensure that we can accept the file, a Similarity Report will be generated, and the correct word count will be shown.

Turnitin recently updated the servers that send our system emails. System email include welcome emails and digital receipts. Some email clients may experience a short period where they learn to 'trust' that the emails are sent from a legitimate IP address.

Workaround: Email administrators for your institution can manually add our IP addresses to your trusted list. For Microsoft email Exchanges, you can add the IP addresses to the IP Allow List.

Turnitin's email IP addresses

Similarity Reports can sometimes be delayed in processing during busy periods. When using the 'Generate on Due Date' setting, this can cause problems when users select the Resubmit icon resulting in duplicate submissions.

The D2L reference for this known issue is: DS9916

Workaround:When creating future resubmissions assignment, choose the Generate on Submission option in the Turnitin settings.

We have resolved an issue where PDFs within the paper lookup tool were not downloading due to the file size.

We have resolved an issue where the paper lookup tool was not loading for some instructors. This was possibly due to the number of courses the instructor is enrolled in.

An issue was discovered that impacted the creation of new assignments via LTI 1.3 for accounts on Turnitin UK using the latest version of Chrome. This issue has now be resolved and it should now be possible to create new assignments.

When an assignment was copied using the new Assignment Copy tool, the additional settings were previously not copying across if the original assignment was created in a different account. This could typically occur if the initial assignment was created using an integration different to the one in which it is being copied into, since each of these integrations have different account IDs. We have fixed this issue.

When using Moodle quizzes, it is possible to add a similarity check to any essay style questions that are answered by students. Turnitin was previously unable to show the EULA acceptance screen as a part of this workflow if it is the student's first interaction with Turnitin. As we couldn't verify that they have accepted the EULA, the submission would fail.

Launching the rubric manager in the plagiarism plugin via the Launch Rubric Manager button in the Assignment Settings was previously opening in a modal that was too small to display the whole rubric when using Moodle 3.11.

There was an issue with the similarity score value in the Moodle Plagiarism Plugin inbox. The inbox did not update with the highest Translated Matching score and instead displayed the first score, even when it was the lower of the two.

We have resolved an issue that occurs when instructors have set the grade display to percentage instead of a number. When this issue occurred, the Assignment Inbox displayed a loading message which says “Loading data from Turnitin”. This issue was impacting institutions using PHP 8+.

When an instructor requests permanent deletion of a submission within an assignment set to check against “no repository”, they receive no error message. We are working on including an error message which explains that the paper cannot be permanently deleted because it does not exist in any repository, and instead the option “Remove From Inbox” should be selected.

PDFs that only contain images should be rejected at the point of submission as Turnitin only supports files with at least 20 words of text. They currently are accepted and will now show in the viewer once launched. We are investigating why the files are not rejected in the usual way.

We look at parts of the language pack chosen for Moodle to determine which language to display Turnitin in. This is currently not passing correctly, resulting in Turnitin displaying in the default, English.

If an institution’s administrator has selected 'Set account assignment default to "allow any file type"' within the account settings, the “Save settings for future use” option does not work as expected when creating a Turnitin LTI Assignment.

Workaround: While our team investigates this bug, we suggest administrators edit the account settings via and deselect the 'Set account assignment default to "allow any file type"' option found under the "Default assignment setting for allowed file types" section. View the admin guide to learn more.

There was an issue affecting the roster sync of students between Blackboard courses and the LTI assignment inbox. The issue affected both assignments with start dates in the future, as well as assignments in courses that were not yet available. This has been resolved as of Blackboard version: 3900.54.0, 3900.52.0.

Institutions can reference the Blackboard Knowledge Base article: 000076845 for further information.

There was an issue where instructors were unable to edit the due date for a Turnitin assignment in the Blackboard assignment settings when release conditions were active in Ultra Course View. This has been resolved.

We have resolved an issue where, in some cases, the LMS frame size only allowed around five students per page to display in the Assignment Inbox.

The Assignment Inbox now displays up to 100 rows before adding the ability to flip through by page.

We have resolved an issue that caused long load times in the LTI Assignment Inbox for courses containing a high volume of students.

Turnitin will now exclude quotes within quotes. For example: "This text would be excluded 《so would this text too》 and then this text would also be excluded."

When an original view assignment is edited by the instructor, the student Grade Center column that contains the Turnitin entry was unhidden if any Turnitin setting is altered or if the feedback release date is changed.

Update 2022-08-17: Blackboard have informed us that this issue has been resolved as of August 11th 2022. With this fix, the student Grade Center column operates as it did before Summer 2022. Instructors will need to manually unhide the Grade Center column on or after the feedback release date.

Some users with a large amount of QuickMark sets experienced difficulty loading their sets in the new QuickMark Manager. This issue has been resolved. The new QM Manager has been restored for all global accounts.

While grading a paper within the Turnitin Viewer, some accounts experienced issues viewing and commenting on their initial QuickMark. All accounts should now have full QuickMark functionality restored.

When testing with a Sandbox account to integrate Turnitin with D2L V2, users may have encountered a timeout error when trying to open the Similarity Report. This problem has been resolved and access to the Similarity Report has been restored.

Ultra Course update

Automatic grade pass back now works with all Ultra courses, regardless of the number of assignments included. Grades will now also automatically pass back to the Blackboard Learn Gradebook once the feedback release date passes, without the need for instructors to initiate this by interacting with the assignment.

Issues with Original courses have been resolved. Check out the full resolved known issue for more information.

Original Course update

Following Blackboard’s recent maintenance release for 3900.34.0, we can now confirm that grades for Original courses are now passing back to the Blackboard Grade Center again. This also resolves the ten assignment limitation issue that was an outcome of last week’s Turnitin release.

Grades will now pass immediately back to the Grade Center and instructors will need to hide the associated grade column on assignment creation, in order to prevent grades automatically being presented to students prior to the feedback release date. Learn more about hiding the grade column.

We are continuing to work with Blackboard to explore further solutions to better handle the hiding of the grade column

Ultra Course update

Some issues still persist with Ultra Courses; check out the latest update from 2022-03-25 to learn more.

With Blackboard’s recent release of ‘Automatic grades release for 3rd party tools using LTI Advantage’, grades will currently be passed immediately back to the Grade Center when changed in Turnitin, when using an Ultra course. This issue has been fixed, preventing grades from being returned to students before the Feedback Release Date has passed.

The Allow Any File Type setting in Turnitin had not carried over when a course was copied. Other settings were correctly applied. Now this setting will carry through.

Fixed date - January 26th 2022

A change to Blackboard introduced in BBLearn Release 3900.30 caused issues with Blackboard Basic when attempting to access Turnitin reports from the Gradebook. This issue has been fixed and expected behaviour will return when upgrading to Blackboard Basic Plugin Version v2.8.14 (JDK 1.8) for Blackboard versions before 3800.0.0 , and v2.8.15 for Blackboard versions after and including 3800.0.0 (OpenJDK 11).

Download the latest plugin from the download page.

For users who can't immediately make the upgrade, alternative access paths are available:

  • Instructors: Course Tools (from the left-hand navigation) --> “Turnitin Assignments” - Select the assignment --> all submissions will be listed and reports are linked.
  • Students: Students can see their assignments and submissions from the “Content Section” (Original Course View left-hand navigation).

When adding a comment in Turnitin Feedback Studio, you are able to select a highlight color to make comment groupings standout at a glance. Some users had experienced these highlights not displaying as they would expect. Different browsers had presented the issue in different ways and some versions did not show it at all.

When you had completed grading in Moodle and someone opened the Turnitin viewer for the submission, if no grade had been set in Turnitin, the Moodle grade would be lost. Now, the grade within Moodle will be retained and an ungraded Turnitin viewer can be opened without it causing any problems.

If a grade is removed from Turnitin it will no longer remove it from Moodle as the viewer will then be ‘empty’ and we assume that the Moodle grade is intended.

This fix was released in version 2021091501 of the Moodle Plagiarism plugin.

View the release note or download the latest plugin.

This bug was fixed with the August 11th 2021 release of Blackboard Direct. Download it now.

An update to how Chromium based browsers, such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, handles JavaScript dialogs from within iFrames had caused problems with some Blackboard Basic functionality. This problem was experienced by many other webapps. This decision has now been reconsidered and full functionality has been restored.

We have fixed an issue that with our Blackboard integration that occured when users were using multiple tabs.

It is possible to open multiple inboxes from the same course in multiple tabs to help multi-task. There was an issue that affected users when they edited the assignment title in one tab, finding that it would unintentionally alter the title of an assignment found in one of your other open tabs. We have resolved this issue.

Student preview mode is now available within Blackboard LTI 1.3 when using version v3800.6.0 or above.

Turnitin currently accepts files up to the size of 100 MB. The tooltip description shown within the assignment creation page now accurately states the maximum file size as opposed to the older 40 MB.

Previously, when accessing the attempt page, a grade was applied with each load of the page despite the original grade not changing. This was causing multiple entries of the same grade to appear within the grade history. We have resolved this issue.

Previously, there was an issue where the enabled translated matching setting was not passing from Blackboard to Turnitin and was as a result not appearing within the Similarity Reports. This has been resolved and instructors can successfully enable this setting without issues.

A plugin update is required to fix this issue within your LMS. You can download the latest plugin here.

Fixed date - August 7th 2020

Rubrics can be shared to instructors throughout an institution's account, however, we became aware of an issue where rubrics that had been shared were not visible when accessing the rubric manager during the assignment set up. We have resolved the issue so that shared rubrics will now appear within the rubric manager during assignment set up.

Fixed date - July 8th 2020

It was reported that when a student uploaded multiple files to their assignment, they were given individual similarity scores for each file. If an instructor attempted to launch any of these files in SpeedGrader, only one of the Turnitin similarity reports will be displayed regardless of which one had been selected. Canvas have now released a fix so that instructors are able to view each submission.

Fixed date - April 23rd 2020

We have fixed an issue where some submissions within SpeedGrader were not updating after the due date passed, meaning that a different similarity score could appear when opening Feedback Studio. Now, when the due date passes and a final score is generated, this is also displayed within SpeedGrader.

Fixed date - March 31st 2020

If a course included students whose account had been disabled but they remain actively enrolled, a 430 error would appear if the instructor were to initiate a roster sync to add new students to a Turnitin assignment within the course. We have implemented a fix for this issue that allows roster sync to ignore the disabled students.

Fixed date - March 5th 2020

Some users have encountered issues while attempting to submit their paper using the Safari browser. After clicking ‘Submit’, the process will hang at the loading screen and will not complete the submission. You will know if your paper has been successfully submitted as the page will display a green success banner and show a copy of your digital receipt.

Fixed date - February 26th 2020

Some users had experienced varying problems with our rubric manger such as not being able to select a rubric, create a new one, and formatting issues. The bug that caused this issue has been fixed and users should be able to use rubrics again as a part of their assignment.

Fixed date - February 13th 2020

With the release of Chrome 80 fast approaching, we have ensured that users will be able to use our products in Chrome without further disruption. We have made the required changes to our cookies for all of our LMS integrations and Single Sign-On integration Shibboleth to ensure that users will no longer encounter warnings about 3rd party cookies if they are enabled.

The root cause of this isssue was identified and fixed.

We’ve resolved an issue that was affecting the paper title and links in anonymous marking assignments. The paper title is now displayed in the student’s My Grades view in Blackboard and links to the report are now active.

Fixed date - Nov 8th 2019

There was an issue where assignments would not maintain anonymity in Turnitin when using the Canvas Plagiarism Framework. As a workaround, instructors needed to access and save the assignment settings for each duplicated assignment, prior to any students submitting. We have now released a fix that will maintain the anonymity status of the assignment when duplicated.

Fixed date - Sept 18th 2019

Previously, if an instructor were to use the quick edit option within Canvas to update an assignment, it would remove the CPF integration from the assignment. This has now been resolved so the quick edit option can be used without consequence.

When using an assignment with deeplinking it was required for the instructor to first open the assignment before a student would be able to access it. Now, no extra action is required on behalf of the instructor before the assignment will become active.

Fixed date - 2019 May 28th

Text only submissions, or “copy and paste”, had a character limit of 10,000 which in turn was causing some uploads of this kind to fail. Added up, 10,000 characters works out to be around 1500 words. This is far lower than a lot of our other upload methods and not how we intend this functionality to work!

This limit has now been increased to ensure that the limits of these text only uploads correlate with the other upload methods available.

Fixed date - April 4th 2019

While it was possible to resubmit to Turnitin when using SpeedGrader for single submissions, it was not possible to use it for group submissions due to the underlying logic of how we process those submissions. However, we have reworked how group submissions are handled once they reach Turnitin and applied a change that now makes it possible to resubmit to a group submission.

Fixed date - March 21st 2019

On the assignment due date, submissions are rerun through Turnitin to check for collusion or updated matches. If there is a change in score, this is currently only reflected within Turnitin and not passed to Canvas.

We have found a way to address this from the Turnitin side that allows us to pass Canvas an updated score on the assignment due date. This change requires some additional work to ensure that Canvas is receiving and picking up the new scores to display for each submission.

Fixed date - March 12th 2019

Late last year, some updates were made to the Canvas plagiarism framework integration to allow for assignments to be copied regardless of what dates were passed to Turnitin, as well as allow support for anonymous grading in Canvas.

If Turnitin received an assignment start date too far in the past or too far in the future, we would ignore this date and create default dates in the future to allow for the assignment to still be created in Turnitin.

Although we have fixed these particular issues, we no longer apply the due date correctly within Turnitin, and all dates now default to a point in the future. Unfortunately, this affects when collusion checking occurs. We are currently investigating a fix to allow the due date to update correctly if the user in Canvas provides a suitable date, and we plan to release a fix alongside the fix for updating the Similarity Score in Canvas.

Fixed date - March 12th 2019