Your iThenticate/Crossref Similarirty Check guidance is moving!
We’re migrating our content to a new guides site. We plan to fully launch this new site later in July. You can preview the new site now. To help you get up to speed with the new guidance structure, please visit our orientation page .
Choosing submission indexing options
Indexing is the process of storing a file within our repository. This process happens during the submission of a file.
As a Crossref customer, any content you submit to Crossref Similarity Check will not be indexed into a publicly searchable repository.
- Select
Settings from the sidebar.
- Select the Crossref Web tab and scroll down to Submission Indexing.
Any indexed submissions will be available for comparison in Similarity Reports. You have three options you can select:
- Index all submissions: All submissions will be indexed in the account's private repository and will be available for comparison in Similarity Reports by other users within your organization. Depending on your license type, choosing this setting will also add submissions from your institution to the submitted works repository, which allows users outside of your organization to check for similarity among their submissions and yours.
Allow users to choose: At upload, users can opt to index their submission to the account's repository and, depending on your organization’s license, to the submitted works repository as well. and make it available for comparison in Similarity Reports by other users within your organization.
- Don't index any submissions: No submissions will be indexed to the private repository or the submitted works repository, and therefore the user submissions will not be available for comparison in Similarity Reports.
- If everything looks good, hit the Save button to apply your changes.
Made a mistake? Press the Reset button to start again.
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