Rubrics and grading forms

Rubric scorecards can be used to evaluate student work, based on defined criteria and scales. Grading forms can be used to provide free-form feedback and scores to evaluate student work based on defined criteria.


If your instructor has used a rubric scorecard to grade your paper, you can view the criteria and scale that they have used to grade.

  1. From the Turnitin Viewer, tap View Rubric, which can be found alongside your grade.
  2. You can now view the criteria selected by your instructor.

Grading forms

If your instructor has used a grading form to grade your paper, you can view the score and comments they have given for each criterion in the grading form.

  1. From the Instructor Feedback page, tap Grading Form, which can be found alongside your grade.
  2. You can now view the grades provided for each criterion, alongside any comments your instructor may have left.