Step 2 - Configuring Turnitin in an LMS

If you do not see LTI 1.3 help guides specifically for your LMS, we recommend that you reach out to your LMS provider to confirm if LTI 1.3 is actually available with your LMS. If your LMS is not ready for LTI 1.3, then you may need to use the LTI 1.1 guidance found below.

Information Required to Set up Turnitin LTI

To use the Turnitin LTI 1.1 API, administrators must provide the following items within the LMS LTI configuration screen:

  • A URL based on your location:
    • (UK users only)
    • (All other users)
  • Account ID (referred to as the "consumer key")
    • This allows an LMS to correctly integrate with a Turnitin account. Account IDs can be found on the left-hand side of the account name on the administrator homepage in Turnitin.
  • Shared Key (configured by the Turnitin administrator in the Turnitin LTI integration setup)
    • The shared secret key is used to verify the integrity of requests sent from the institution’s LMS account to the institution’s Turnitin account. The shared secret key can be any word or alphanumeric 8-character text string, containing at least one letter and one number. The shared secret key entered in Turnitin must be identical to the shared secret key entered within the LMS. To be clear, both keys must match in order for access to be granted, otherwise, the integration will not work.
  • Allow the LMS to send the user email address
    • This is required in order to launch the Turnitin Tool and ensures that the LMS and Turnitin users are mapped properly.

Please be aware that the terms used within the LMS can differ from the terms used in Turnitin.

Configuring Turnitin LTI in a specific LMS

For more details on how to configure an integration for a specific LMS, please refer to the LMS instruction manuals or contact your LMS provider.