Your Turnitin guidance is moving!
We’re migrating our content to a new guides site. We plan to fully launch this new site in July. We are making changes to our structure that will help with discoverability and content searching. You can preview the new site now. To help you get up to speed with the new guidance structure, please visit our orientation page .
Adding Turnitin to a Moodle Forum
Turnitin offers a seamless integration with Moodle. Once your administrator has configured Turnitin for your organization, you can use Turnitin as a part of a Moodle forum.
Your administrator can set defaults that will apply to all assignments you create. One option they have is to automatically have Turnitin active.
- Create a Moodle Forum as you usually would.
- If you've never created a Moodle Forum before, navigate to a course and select the Turn editing on button. Select the + Add an activity or resource link that appears.
- From the Activities list, choose Forum.
- From the list of collapsed optional settings, find Turnitin Integrity plugin settings option.
- The first setting, Enable Turnitin, may already be enabled. Your administrator will determine its initial state when first creating the integration. If you want to use Turnitin with the assignment make sure it is ticked.
- (Optional) There are several other options within Turnitin Integrity plagiarism plugin settings that you can customize for each assignment. The defaults are set by your administrator. Feel free to change any that you need to!
Learn more
Submission Indexing
Index all submissions - This option will add files automatically to your organization's private repository. This makes them available to be matched against in similarity reports by other people within your organization.
Student Access
Allow students to view Similarity Reports - This setting determines if students are able to see similarity reports that are generated.
Exclude from Similarity Reports
Bibliography and Quotes - Allows you to automatically exclude bibliographies and quotes from the similarity reports. Want to know more? Check out the guide.
- All done? Select the Save and display button.
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