Viewing a Similarity Report in a Sakai assignment for an Instructor submission

  1. Move to Student View, find your assignment from the table, and select the title of your submission.
  2. A summary page for your submission will be shown, on this page you'll find your similarity report. Look for the Turnitin Report section.

  3. In the Turnitin Report section you'll find a list of the files and content you have uploaded for the assignment. Beside each entry is a flag. The color of this flag is a quick indication of the similarity percentage that the content has returned with.

    • Blue: No matching text
    • Green: One word to 24% matching text
    • Yellow: 25-49% matching text
    • Orange: 50-74% matching text
    • Red: 75-100% matching text

    Would you like to see more information? You can hover over the flag to see a numeric representation of the similarity score or click on the flag to open the full similarity report.