Additional settings

You will need to provide answers to the following questions:

  • Allow Shibboleth-created users to share folders (and therefore documents) with other users?

  • Allow users to select a ‘reporting group’ when uploading documents?  

    Reporting groups are created up by account administrators and users can be assigned their default reporting group.  This option allows users to select or change the reporting group associated with their submissions.


iThenticate has two user roles: standard users and administrators.  Administrators have the ability to manage users. iThenticate does not support setting or changing this role via Shibboleth.

All users must agree to the iThenticate EULA the first time they log into iThenticate. iThenticate users, created via a Shibboleth integration, cannot log in via the iThenticate website login page.

iThenticate will update the user’s name or email address from the data provided by the IdP if changed.

The iThenticate support team will provide the login URL to the account administrator once the Shibboleth integration is completed.