Understanding the Prewriting Tool

Revision Assistant includes an outlining feature to help your students organize their thoughts and get started with their essays. The Prewriting Tool is flexible enough so you can adapt into established prewriting exercises. You can review your students' prewriting content right from the Student Work page.   The Revision Assistant prewriting tool focuses a student on creating a thesis, supporting this argument, and concluding the essay. Once students are finished with their prewriting they can send it to the writing space with a click of a button.


  1. To view your students' prewriting, access the Student Work page from the sidebar menu.  All prewriting content will be visible from the Student Work page. 

    Teacher viewing prewriting collapsed  

  2. Click the Show [Student's Name] Prewriting bar, located under the most recent draft. Prewriting text fields will expand directly under the essay prompt. 

  3. Minimize the Prewriting Tool by clicking the Hide button located at the top right corner of the expanded prewriting content.