Using Proofread Mode

A misplaced comma or misspelled word can make readers doubt even the most perfectly crafted thesis and support. In Proofread Mode, Revision Assistant will help you spot wonky punctuation, word choices, and spelling, and teach you how to correct grammatical mix-ups in your essay. Follow the steps below for using Proofread Mode and you'll never have to wonder about how to use a semicolon correctly again.

  1. Open your assignment.
  2. Start writing your essay.
  3. Follow the next step based on the type of assignment you're working on:
    1. For Signal Check assignments (blue header)...
      1. When you've written about a paragraph, select the Signal Check button for Signal Check feedback.
      2. After one Signal Check, you'll get a pop-up saying you can use Proofread Mode.
    2. For Expansion Pack assignments (teal header; no Signal Check button)...
      1. After you've written about a paragraph (300 characters), you'll get a pop-up saying you can use Proofread Mode.

    Remember, Proofread Mode is only available on Signal Check and Expansion Pack assignments, not Spot Check.

  4. Switch the toggle below your essay to On to enter Proofread Mode.  
  5. Then, select the Proofread button.
    • You can only use Proofread Mode three times per assignment, so make them count!
    • The symbols above your Proofread feedback tell you how many you have left.StudentView_SignalCheck_ProofreadMode.png  
  6. Proofread Mode will underline the spelling and grammar errors in your sentences and list them on the right.  
  7. Select each error in the list to see an explanation of how to correct it.
  8. Then, select Show Example for more clarification.
  9. Use the error explanations and examples to edit your work on this screen. Any changes you make here will stay in your essay even after you leave Proofread Mode.  
  10. Once you've edited your work, you can
    1. Select the Proofread button to use another Proofread     OR
    2. Select Exit Proofread Mode to return to the Writing Space

    Remember, you only get 3 Proofreads per assignment. Save one Proofread to use as a final grammar check right before turning in your assignment.

  11. To see your previous Proofread Mode drafts/feedback, you should...
    1. Select Exit Proofread Mode (if you are currently in it)
    2. Scroll below your Writing Space to your section of drafts
    3. Click the arrow next to the Proofread draft number to expand that draft

Congrats! You are on your way to becoming a grammar wizard.​​​​​​


Revision Assistant Proofread Mode is powered by ETS eRater.