Accessing Turnitin from the Assignment List

Turnitin can be accessed from the Turnitin Assignment List found within the General channel of your Team. Haven't added the Turnitin tab yet? Learn how.

  1. Open the Team you created for your class and move to the General channel.

  2. Find the Turnitin tab at the top of the channel and select it.

  3. You'll be shown the Turnitin Assignment List. All your active assignments are listed by the closest due date.. Found the assignment you'd like to access?

    • Select the title to open the assignment inbox

    • Select the Create Assignment button to create a new assignment

    • Select the trash can icon to remove the assignment from the inbox

      Any removed assignments will still exist in Turnitin's database and files submitted to the assignment will still match in future submissions.

The Submissions column shows you the number of number of submissions that have been made to the assignment against the number of students who have been rostered into the assignment. This will appear as 0/0 until the first time you open the assignment and we are able to read the roster information for your class.