Feedback Studio for iOS

iOS app crashing intermittently upon launch on iOS 15 and 16
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The Feedback Studio for iOS app allows Turnitin students to submit papers and view instructor feedback and also gives instructors the freedom to mark and grade student papers. To get started download the Feedback Studio for iOS app from the App Store.

Getting started

Logging in as a student | IOS

Logging in with an email address | IOS

Logging in after changing your password | IOS

Adding an LMS class to the app | IOS

Dual roles | IOS

Selecting your service | IOS

Syncing data | IOS

Instructor assignments

Accessing the assignment inbox | IOS

Sorting submissions | IOS

Searching for an assignment | IOS

Reloading a submission | IOS

Assignment information | IOS

Instructor quick submit | IOS

Downloading individual submissions | IOS

Downloading all submissions | IOS

Student assignments

Accessing the submission inbox | IOS

Reloading a submission | IOS

Accessing digital receipts | IOS

Downloading digital receipts | IOS

Viewing an assignment's rubric or grading form | IOS

Submitting a paper

Submitting in the app | IOS

Resubmiting a paper | IOS

File requirements | IOS

Late submissions | IOS

Submitting a paper from a third-party app

Enabling Turnitin within a third-party app | IOS

Using Turnitin within a Third-Party app | IOS

Submitting via Apple | IOS

Submitting via Box | IOS

Submitting via Dropbox | IOS

Submitting via Google | IOS

Submitting via Microsoft | IOS

Possible issues during submission | IOS

Grading a paper

Viewing a paper | IOS

On-paper grading | IOS

Adding a grade | IOS

Rubrics and grading forms | IOS

Adding a QuickMark | IOS

Associating a QuickMark with a criterion | IOS

Personalizing QuickMark feedback | IOS

Adding bubble comments | IOS

Associating a bubble with a criterion | IOS

Converting bubble comments into QuickMarks | IOS

Adding a summary text comment | IOS

Adding in-line comments | IOS

Adding a voice comment | IOS

Striking through text | IOS

Deleting a strikethrough | IOS

Deleting and editing a bubble comment | IOS

Deleting and editing a QuickMark | IOS

Deleting and editing inline comments | IOS

Moving on-paper feedback | IOS

Viewing paper feedback

Accessing paper feedback | IOS

Reloading a submission | IOS

Rubrics and grading forms | IOS

Voice comments | IOS

Similarity Report

Instructor view of the Similarity Report | IOS

Student view of the Similarity Report | IOS


Instructor notifications | IOS

Student notifications | IOS